Advanced License Module / Service
Advanced License Module / Service
This module / service allows you to protect your software with a license system, sell licenses and allow your buyers to purchase licenses.
This software is meant for developers that sell software with the files, think of themes, modules, CMS, plugins, discord bots, or anything that can be downloaded. It's important that you have an understanding of how software and API's work.
The module provides api endpoints to validate licenses, return downloads or create new licenses.
- IP Protected
- Multi domain support
- Rate limit installs per day
- Configure email on installation
- Web Downloads
- API Downloads
- Install tracking & logs
How it works
Within your software you can add checks that make requests to the license server API to determine whether a user has access to the software. If the API returns a failed response, you can block the user from accessing your software.
Users can find their license on the dashboard. They can also regenerate the license key, download files and update domains.
Admin Area
As with any interpreted programming language, having license or DRM systems makes the risk a lot less for your software to be leaked. However, due to the nature of the software, and how difficult you make it, users can always leak the software. It's your job to make this as hard as possible to keep leakers away.
For this module, no refunds are given. Everything is delivered as shown on this product page.
Open Admin -> Services -> click "Install" for the License service
Migrate the database using `php artisan migrate --force`
You can also download the zip file and extact it to app/Services/ folder
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Advanced License Module / Service 1.0.0 Latest Wemx 1.8.1 Wemx 1.9.1
This module / service allows you to protect your software with a license system, sell licenses and allow your buyers to purchase licenses.
This software is meant for developers that sell software with the files, think of themes, modules, CMS, plugins, discord bots, or anything that can be downloaded.
The module provides api endpoints to validate licenses, return downloads or create new licenses.
Users can find their license on the dashboard. They can also regenerate the license key, download files and update domains.
Admin Area