📢 WemX v1.9.0 is available
We're excited to announce beta version 1.9.0
In this update we have put the focus on issues reported by the community on GitHub as well as many suggestions posted there.
To start things off, we have added integration for the much-requested Proxmox service. We tried to make this integration as seamless as possible. For instance, clients that have purchased a VM can see the resource usage in real-time as well as manage their VM's state. We provided options to start, restart, shutdown and reboot the VM directly from the WemX dashboard and provide the client information about their machine. WemX also creates an account for the user that they can use to login with on Proxmox and manage their server there.
Another big addition this update is the members page. This page allows clients that have an active order to grant permissions to other members by inviting them using their email. What's more is that the owner of that order can give the exact permissions they want the user to have access including custom permissions for custom services such as automatically logging into a panel such as Pterodactyl, restarting a VM etc...
Our team developed a brand new module that allows you to upload files that can be downloaded by clients. This can be done through the "downloads" tab in the admin area, you can create a new file upload with title and description and also select if guests can download it or if a user is required to have a package to be able to download.
Moving to the admin area, we have updated the design to be more vibrant and appealing. The dark mode toggle has also been fixed, and the dark theme has been updated.
We also listened to your feedback regarding Search Engine Optimisation or SEO for short, so this update there is a brand new SEO page where you can manage your websites meta tags and other information to improve your position on web browsers. We also improved various other pages to be more SEO friendly including the custom pages that users can create in the admin area and articles.
The contact us page has been fully rewritten. We took into account your feedback regarding bots and took the measure to prevent this by adding rate limiters and only allowing users to submit a contact form every hour. Contact submissions are now saved in the admin area under the emails -> history sections. You can also turn this page off if you don't wish to use it.
If you want to see some of these brand new features in action, we have updated our demo to the latest version.
This is a big update. It's important that you take a backup of the database before updating.
- Added integration for Proxmox
- Added members / subusers for orders
- Added downloads module
- Added better search engine optimization (SEO)
- Added setting to determine days after which a suspended service should be terminated
- Added settings to enable / disable contact and cookie popups as well as other settings
- Added ability to translate articles in all available languages
- Added ability to translate pages in all available languages
- Added one-time package price option
- Added indicators when a user is online
- Added a widget that shows which users are currently online (in overview page)
- Added chart that tracks revenue coming from subscriptions
- Added read more button to categories if text is too large
- Added backend code that automatically sets the users country when a user registers (Requires CloudFlare)
- Added small useful widgets for services that use a domain
- Added description field when updating user balances
- Rewritten the contact us page
- Improved admin theme design & added better dark mode design
- Fixed error with dark mode not turning on
- Fixed error when changing the order of categories or orders
- Fixed formatting issues with articles, now you can manually enter a short description for each article
- Fixed issue with country not automatically being selected
- Rewritten a lot of backend code & includes other smaller bug fixes
We are always working ahead for future update. At this moment a big project we are working on for a future update, is the integrated marketplace that will allow you to take your WemX application to the next level. We also took a look at our documentation and realised it may be a bit advanced for those that don't know much about Linux, so for that reason we are rethinking the entire installation process, simplifying it so that WemX can be installed anywhere and faster. More information about these plans will follow in the coming weeks.
We are continuously working on improving WemX and in the process taking into account what the community needs and realising those plans. If you want to report bugs or submit a suggestion, you can do so here: https://github.com/WemXPro/tracker/issues